eHealth Checking In

How are your Telehealth visits coming along? What percentage of your visit count have you been able to replace so that you are not continuing to lose revenue?

eHealth has assisted many practices with setting up, training, and implementing Telehealth successfully. We also included marketing Telehealth services to patients in order to increase uptake and educate patients up front on what to expect and how to connect.

I did a Lunch and Learn for 4Med Plus on Wednesday and there were a lot of great questions around providing and billing Telehealth Services. For example, have you considered providing Annual Wellness Visits and Transitional Care Management Visits through Telehealth? We will be providing a class on conducting the Annual Wellness Visit through Telehealth on May 8th.

Have you implemented Chronic Care and/or Principal Care Management?

This is a great way to make sure you continue to provide excellent care for the chronically ill. Patients over the age of 65 need to stay home more than any other part of the population. Staying connected with them is extremely important to keep them healthy, both mentally and physically. We can quickly help you ramp up and start taking advantage of one of these programs immediately!

Have you received your relief payment from the second wave of the CARES Act?

You may need to take action in order to receive this money. Click Here for an informative article on the topic from Part B News or go directly to the HHS website.

What do you mean we have to upgrade in the midst of this?

Yes, it is true. All clients must be on a version of 19.x by December 1, 2020 due to changes with ePrescribe requirements. You have probably already received a letter from Allscripts. eHealth can assist you with this. We have had 19.1 on our training server for some time now. We are prepared to provide remote training for your staff. You can save a lot of money by letting us teach you versus weeding through the Release Notes to identify new functionality and the best way to use it in your practice. We have done the work, so you can just take advantage of the results! We even have practical eHealth Release Notes that we can share. Stay tuned for implementation classes coming up in May!